Students Sharing God’s Love

Dear Ms. Prima, your class of
1st & 2nd graders,
along with Ms. Lozano and Ms. Lewis,

Words cannot express the
anticipation, the joy and the love that fill
our hearts and home here a Riverview once a
month by your visits.

The children’s songs
proclaiming the Love, Hope, Peace and Faith
in Jesus, our truly
experienced by our
residents as they interact with them after
each performance.

The Love the children bring
us with their smiles, their simple touch of
hands or a hug, along with their
conversations warm our heart and home.

There is no doubt our
residents feel very blessed and loved by
your visits!
The children make
them feel special

The tree below truly shows
that your 1st & 2nd
graders can and are
The Change They Want To See In The World

God’s Peace and Blessings to
this beautiful friendship He has brought to
us here at Riverview

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